Title: Les Falaises De Greville
Oil on Canvas
Artist: Vincent van Gogh
Title: La Maison de la Crau (the old Mill)
Oil on Canvas
Artist: Willem de Kooning
Title: Gotham News, 1955
Oil, enamel, charcoal, and newspaper transfer on canvas
Artist: Marc Chagall
Title: La Vie Paysanne (Present life)
Oil on Canvas
Artist: William LeRoy Metcalf
Title: Pelago - Tuscany, 1913
Oil on Canvas
Artist: Albert Gleizes
Title: L'homme au hamac (Man in a Hammock)
Oil on Canvas
A.) Which artworks make an impact or impression on me? Why?
Two pieces of art that really caught my attention, and made me pause on them were Vincent Van Gogh's painting Titled "La Maison de la Crau" and Albert Gleizes' "L'homme au hamac" First, Van Gogh's panting stopped me in place because of his incredible ability with the strokes of his paint brush. Many of his passes are clearly visible, and its even more remarkable how he blends the colors together to create the image. The way the mountains in the background look, as well as the greenish tint in the sky. Van Gogh was known for his distinct ability with a paint brush, and now seeing one of his works close up you can really tell how his style of painting is remarkably different than that of any other painter.
Another piece that really caught my attention was Albert Gleizes painting of "L'homme au hamac", simply due to his technique at creating his visual. At first, it was hard to make out the man as well as the hammock, due to the way it appears that pictures of other objects seems to make up the overall picture. But once I saw it, it made me appreciate the work that much more. Again, the different style technique used with this particular piece made have to really focus on the bigger picture, and not just the sharp lines of the polygons or triangles that are visible.
B.) Which artworks do I feel a connection with? Why?
Two pieces of art I found a personal connection with was Jean-Francois Millets painting of "Les Falaises de Greville" and Willard LeRoy's painting of "Pelago-Tuscany". Both of these pictures I stood and stared at for quite a length of time and felt they spoke to me in many different ways. First, both of these painting are of a landscape of another place. Landscape pictures have always held a special place in my heart, for the soul purpose of my belief that when an artist paints a landscape, they are simply capturing beauty in its natural form. Second, They both remind me of a place secluded, beautiful, and without complications. Being a simple minded man, seeing a view like the view shown in "Les Fallaises de Greville" would be a view I would happily see every day for the rest of my life without any hesitation. Waves crashing along a shore bank with water would be a dream view of mine. Lastly, both pieces of art encompass a sense of harmony. the water in "Les Falaises de Greville appears to move in harmony with the coastline of land, and "Pelago -Tuscany" has the road move in harmony with the mountains in the backdrop. These two pieces, along with Claude Monets painting of "Water Lilies" which could not be photographed, were amonst my favorite pieces within the museum.
C.) Which artworks would I like to know more about? Why?
Two pieces of artwork that I would like to know more about, as well as the artists, would be Marc Chagalls painting "La Vie Paysanne" and William De Koonings "Gotham News". First, Marc Chagalls painting stumbled me in the sense that I couldnt really decipher what emotions he was feeling when he created this painting, nor as to how his drawing of a peasant really depicts the life of a peasant. Second, "Gotham News" was another one that stumbled me a little bit, simply do to the chaos on the canvas. I feel like with as many tools he used to create this work of art, it was, in some aspects a little too much I feel. Although even though I could not fully comprehend this piece of art, I still found it to be moving in a way, and that is why I chose it.
Interesting choices, the Albright has so many wonderful works to choose from. I agree with what you said about Van Gogh's work, it is so nice to see in person because of his distinct brush strokes