Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Module Nine - Art Making/Material Exploration Drawings - Exploring Line

1. What was it like using your hand as subject matter for a drawing?
I found using my hand, something that was right there in front of me was a great matter to draw. I was able to position it how I wanted to, and view the angle I wanted to all by a simple shift of my wrist. Sometimes in art, you are not so fortunate, so this made this particular assignment rather easy  

2. What media did you select - pencil or charcoal? Why?
I chose to use pencil for the media for this assignment. This decision was made because I find that its easier for me to use a pencil with my non-dominant hand since I have such a lack of experience with it. This made this half of the assignment easier, since I am familiar with the feeling of pencil and not so much charcoal.

3. How did it feel to create a drawing with your non-dominant hand?
At first I found it rather challenging to trace my left hand using my right. I am naturally dominant with my left hand, so drawing my right hand I found to be rather easy to do. However in terms of performance, I found myself impressed with the overall shape and detail of the thicker lines on my hand with my non-dominant hand.

4. Compare and contrast your final drawings. Do you think they are successful studies?
I feel looking at the two drawings you honestly cant get a good feel as to which hand I truly feel dominant with. This particular study did not work for me, simply because both drawings came out rather exactly the same. If someone was attempting to prove which hand was clearly my dominant, I think at first it could be a struggle.
5. Would you consider using your non-dominant hand to create artwork in the future?
I would in a situation such as this one again. I was impressed with how my non-dominant drawing came out, and would be inclined to use my non-dominant hand again sometime to see what other details I find myself good at drawing with my non-dominant hand.

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